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  • Is This the WORST Advertisement of All Time?

Is This the WORST Advertisement of All Time?

How to Avoid Making the Same Mistake

Happy Thursday,

Today’s quick marketing insight comes from the late copywriting legend Clayton Makepeace, who’s responsible for some of the greatest ads in history.

When he returned from a trip to Vegas back in 2008…

He found this “abomination” in his mailbox:

And called it the WORST ad he’s ever received in over 30 years.

What’s wrong with it?

We’ll let the legend himself explain:

“Any idiot can come up with something "new" – and in this case, one did.

True creativity is coming up with something that leverages the techniques our testing has proven work best in a new, engaging and compelling way.

More than 100 years of testing has proven that benefits work.

Connecting with your prospect’s resident emotions about the value those benefits will bring to his life – works. And a century of scientific testing has also proven that fluff like this is a waste of perfectly good money. And trees.”

That’s exactly how our agency has produced results for companies such as Airbnb, Amazon, and Uber — by sticking to PROVEN marketing strategies.

In other words:

Continue marketing until you run out of benefits!

Do you agree or disagree?

We can’t wait to read the replies… this should be fun.

To your growth!
The Leveling Up Team

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