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  • Real-life ChatGPT use cases that produce REVENUE

Real-life ChatGPT use cases that produce REVENUE

4 Actionable Bite-Sized Ideas

Happy Saturday,

We wanted to share more practical ChatGPT business use cases that we're deploying in our business right now so you can get ideas on how you can use them to drive real revenue.

Here's the list:

  • For sales, we're having ChatGPT analyze the business and provide customized marketing insights for each e-mail that we send. These aren't merely 'insights'. They're legit and actually made our CEO, Eric Siu, raise his eyebrows when he saw them (in a good way).

  • For internal learning, we have ChatGPT pull from the top marketing sources to share the top 5 marketing news from the week on Fridays. On Mondays, we pull 7 short summaries of Marketing School to seed the company with new ideas.

  • For client services, we have ChatGPT summarize client calls and also score the sentiment on a scale of 1-10 (10 being best). These scores are then put into a Google Sheet where each column represents a week. If the scores are subpar for 3 weeks in a row, we expect our client services team to do something about it.

  • For our podcast, we have ChatGPT create a blog post complete with headers via a transcript. We then have a human editor jump in to help layer in stats, links, and additional content. This saves us about 80% of the time on blog content production.

Hit reply with something creative that you're doing with it, and maybe we can compile a list. 😉

To your growth!
The Leveling Up Team

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