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  • This Quick Win Doubled Our Landing Page CVR

This Quick Win Doubled Our Landing Page CVR

Ever Heard of the “Paradox of Choice”?

Happy Saturday,

Have you ever heard of the “Paradox of Choice”?

Sometimes, if there’s too much choice, a person will choose no action at all.

When a new SaaS client came to us to help increase sign-ups on their landing page, this is exactly what was happening.

There were far too many CTAs and external links on their landing page. It was overwhelming.

So here’s what we tested:

We simplified the landing page to focus on *only* their main CTAs (Free Trial and Order Now, in this case).

The results were impressive:

  • The “Free Trial” click-through rate increased from 4.9% to 6.97% (+42%)

  • The “Order Now” click-through rate increased from 1.53% to 2.65% (+73%)

  • The overall Conversion Rate increased from 0.12% to 0.27% (+125%)

When in doubt, test your own “less choice” landing page challenger to see what happens.

You might double your conversions in 2 weeks.

For a good example of a “one choice” LP that converts at 20%+, check out our free marketing plan page simply by clicking the button below.

To your growth!
The Leveling Up Team

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