The NEW SEO Hack For Unlimited Content

+ Complete Step-By-Step Guide

đź‘ľ Leveling Up đź‘ľ

Hey there, I hope you had a great weekend.

Ready to kickstart the week?

… No?

Well, if not, then maybe you need a better work-life balance.

Here’s what you all thought when I asked this in our Friday poll:

Q: What do you think is the most effective strategy for entrepreneurs to achieve a work-life balance?

Winning answer: Implementing strict time management techniques, like the Pomodoro Technique or time blocking, to ensure focused productivity during work hours and dedicated relaxation or family time outside of work commitments.

Pursuing hobbies outside of work was a very close second.

So let’s work hard this week and set time boundaries to avoid burnout. Try your best to enjoy the process. Alright, let’s get into today’s content.

I’ve got a lot to share…

- Eric Siu :)

New Webinar Announcement

Discover How to 3X Your Web Traffic LIVE On Wednesday at 11 am EST

This Wednesday, I’m co-hosting a live call you don’t want to miss.

We’re breaking down three case studies to show you how you can 3x your site visits this year. PLUS, I’m joined by a special guest:

  • Adam Robinson: Founder and CEO of will share why they’re going all in on “Pull Marketing” this year – and how you can too.

Deep Dive

The NEW SEO Hack For Unlimited Content

We launched our programmatic SEO strategy in June 2023 with zero impressions/clicks related to pSEO, and as of today, we’ve gotten 9.18M impressions and 12.1K clicks out of this pSEO initiative for one category.

Our pSEO pages initiative generated 16,091 backlinks based on latest data:

In other words…

This is, by far, the #1 SEO hack to start using in 2024.

What Is Programmatic SEO (pSEO)?

Programmatic SEO (also known as pSEO) is the process of using automation, keyword targeting and data analysis to create and optimize a large number of high-ranking landing pages at scale to boost search engine rankings.

This process makes it easy for businesses to rank for hundreds of different searches related to their products or services by creating a huge list containing hundreds of long-tail keywords.

They’ll often use different combinations of head terms (“running shoes,” “hotels in France,” etc.) and modifiers such as “best” (as in “best running shoes for beginners” or “best luxury hotels in France.)”.

For example, TripAdvisor ranks for permutations of “fun things to do in [city]”.

If you think about all the cities in the world, that’s an estimated 50,000 pages to create. Now layer in more keywords such as “things to eat in [city]” and you’ll have another 50,000 pages. The list goes on and on.

Before you know it, you may have hundreds of thousands or millions of pages.

🤫 shh… want to learn more about our proprietary SEO Keyword Scout tool? One of Single Grain’s pSEO experts will be happy to talk to you.👇

How to Generate Unlimited Content Fast

Here’s the step-by-step process of the most important step to effective pSEO: finding specific keywords based on your niche.

Step 1: Prepare a List of Head Terms

First thing: Get your head terms ready.

I recommend that you have at least 20 head terms for optimum impact.

Let’s say, for example, that you own a pet website or blog and want to scale your organic traffic via programmatic SEO.

These are some head terms you’ll want to target:

  • Pet Food

  • Pet Care

  • Dog Training

  • Pet Health

  • Puppy Care

  • Dog Breeds

Step 2: Add Keyword Modifiers

Next, add the keyword modifiers to your head terms to make them niche-specific. This is our list of keyword modifiers for our head terms:

Now that you’ve added the modifiers to your head terms, it’s time to generate your full list of keyword ideas for creating city-specific landing pages.

Step 3: Enter Your Keywords in a Keyword Research Tool

Enter each of your main keywords with the modifiers into any keyword research tool. These are some good tools for this purpose:

  • Semrush

  • UberSuggest

  • WordStream

  • Ahrefs

  • SE Ranking

I’ll be using SE Ranking. Here I’ve entered the keyword “best pet food for” into the tool:

And I get these ideas:

As you can see, the competition and search volume are both lower.

Step 4: Filter and Download Your List

Now you’ll want to review the list of keywords and choose those that make the most sense. After that, click on the “Export” button and download your filtered list of keywords:

Here are some keyword research tips to follow for pSEO keyword research:

  • Find a good keyword that has a head term capable of generating at least 50-100 modifiers to support the creation of diverse landing pages for topical authority and domain boost.

  • Pick keywords with less competition, as competitive keywords are hard to win.

  • Identify keywords between 10-50 monthly searches; avoid extremes of high or low search volumes for optimal performance.

Next Steps After You Have a List of Keywords

  1. Design a Template for Your Landing Pages for Different Keyword Types. This allows for consistency and efficiency in presenting information tailored to various keyword groups. By categorizing keywords into types (e.g., product-specific, informational, geographic), you can design templates that best match the user intent associated with each category, making the pages more effective at converting visitors. Do this for every new page you’ve decided to create. This will make your job easy and help you scale content.

  2. Create a Strong Internal Linking Structure. This helps search engines locate the vast number of new pages. To ensure good interlinking, we have one page that has a link to all the pSEO pages, and this page is added to the footer on every other page. On the individual pSEO page level, we have 10 random links to other related pSEO pages.

  3. Delete and Update Content Where Necessary. We have built a proprietary AI content auditor tool that automatically, at scale, evaluates the quality of the pages using LLM and then flags lower quality and/or duplicate/too similar content.

  4. Layer in Contextual Calls to Action Using AI. Integrating AI to dynamically generate contextual CTAs on your pages can significantly enhance conversion rates because the relevant CTA matches the user’s current needs and interests. For example, a page targeting keywords around “buying guide” could display CTAs for related product comparisons or purchasing options.

  5. Continually Update the UX of These Pages. Regular UX updates help retain visitors, reduce bounce rates, and increase the likelihood of conversions. This could involve making design and navigational improvements, optimizing page speed, and basically just making sure your content is easy to interact with.

Final Step: Repeat!

And that’s the short version of our pSEO strategy!

It is a lot to set up to get started with pSEO, but it is definitely worth it.

And, to be absolutely honest, it takes a lot of maintenance. You need to consistently evaluate which pages are working, update pages that show opportunity, and create new lists for creation.

The good news is? My team can help you with all of this!

Whether you want help with a one-time setup and/or ongoing maintenance, we can take all this work off your plate.

What's your take on Programmatic SEO (pSEO) after learning about its potential impact?

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Tweet of the Day

-Eric Siu

P.S… Have you subscribed to the Leveling Up YouTube Channel?

Here, you can find videos on various business topics, including exclusive interviews with today’s leading entrepreneurs, including Codie Sanchez, Alex Hormozi, Leila Hormozi, Neil Patel, Chris Do, DJ 3lau, Justin Kan, and more! To start, check out this new video on how to go from 0 to 1M+ traffic using programmatic SEO. Remember, this strategy was previously limited to large companies but is now accessible to smaller businesses due to advancements in AI technology!

Give it a watch, and then DM me on Twitter @ericosiu with your biggest takeaway!