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  • How to Make Your Content Stand Out When Everyone Is Using AI

How to Make Your Content Stand Out When Everyone Is Using AI

PLUS: 30 social media statistics to improve your strategy, movement micro-dosing, and more

Welcome back to another edition of Leveling Up!

In today’s email:

  • The key to making your content stand out when everyone is using AI

  • A website's SEO traffic went from 0 to 750K/mo using 100% AI-generated content

  • 30 social media statistics to improve your strategy

  • And much more…

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Or if your landing page looks great, but you’ve got too many CTAs that make the next action unclear for prospects…

Here are the top 10 most interesting links to check out this week:

  1. 🫂 300+ high-level attendees went to capital camp. Here’s a recap

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  6. 🤖 OpenAI releases a new tool for spotting AI-written content

  7. 💲 How to use automation to grow organic revenue 

  8. 📊 30 social media statistics to improve your strategy

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  10. 🥇 This took Matt Gray 10 years to learn. He’ll teach you in 5 minutes

👾 Deep Dive

How to Make Your Content Stand Out When Everyone is Using AI

Making your content stand out these days is getting harder.

Whether it’s text-based content or social media posts, there’s a rapidly increasing amount of material competing for your audience’s attention.

The burning question then becomes:

How can you make your content stand out?

Why should your audience choose your content over the competition?

Let’s take a look at how to make your content stand out in an AI-driven, content-saturated marketplace.

Leveraging Data

Sharing proprietary data, trends or insightful analytics can help your content cut through the noise.

However, it’s not just about the numbers but also the narrative you build around them.

Proprietary Sources

This is unique information that your business generates and owns.

It could be anything from user engagement metrics on your website to customer satisfaction surveys to sales performance data.

Because this data is unique to your organization, it provides information that can’t be found elsewhere.


Apart from proprietary data, you can also focus on deciphering and sharing trends related to your industry.

Are there emerging patterns in customer behavior?

Are there significant changes in how your audience uses your products or services?

Insightful Analytics

Similarly, analytics can help you unearth unique insights.

For example, you could share how a particular marketing strategy impacted your customer conversion rates or how a new feature affected user engagement on your platform.

Building a Narrative

While data and analytics provide valuable insights, they’re just raw material.

The real magic lies in how you present this information to your audience.

Raw data might be hard for your audience to digest and understand, so this is where the narrative comes in.

Creating a narrative involves presenting your data in a compelling, easily digestible, and relatable manner.

The goal is to transform numbers and stats into a story — a narrative that your audience can connect with.

Consider, for example, sharing proprietary data about a new product feature that boosted user engagement on your platform. Instead of simply presenting the numbers, you could frame it as a journey:

  • Begin with the problem — maybe users were struggling with a certain aspect of your product.

  • Then introduce the solution — the new feature you developed in response.

  • Follow it with the result, backed by your proprietary data.

In this way, you turn dry statistics into a compelling story of problem-solving and innovation.

Personal Stories

Personal stories carry a unique appeal.

When you share a personal story, you are giving people a glimpse into your life and your experiences. This can help build trust and rapport with your audience. It can also make your content more relatable and engaging.

In addition, people love stories and remember stories 22X more than facts and figures, so storytelling in your content can boost conversion rates:

Stories can help us understand the world around us and connect with others.

When you share a personal story, you are giving your audience something to relate to and something to think about.

For example, to use personal stories to make your content stand out, try one of these ideas:

  • If you are a business owner, you could share a story about how you started your business, including all the failures, challenges, and successes. This can help build trust with potential customers and give them a better understanding of your business.

  • If you are a writer, you could share a story about your personal writing process. Steven Pressfield shares about his good-luck totems (a pair of lucky boots), evoking the Muse, meditating, and going to the gym before he sits down to write. This helps other writers by letting them know they’re not alone and giving them inspiration.

  • If you are a speaker, you could share a story about one of your most memorable (good or bad!) speaking engagements. This is a surefire way to connect with your audience and make your speech more engaging.

The Power of Experiences

While data can be compelling, it’s the shared experiences that truly make your content stand out.

As AI evolves, it will inevitably become adept at generating data-driven content. Remember, recounting personal experiences remains an elusive capability for AI.

It’s the intricate details, the highs and lows of personal journeys that add an irreplaceable depth to your content.

Consider, for instance, the case of someone sharing their battle with cancer.

Their first-hand account of their feelings and experiences delivers a level of detail that only someone who has been through a similar journey could replicate.

It’s these personal, relatable experiences that make your content unforgettable.

The Reaction Video Trend

In the realm of video content, consider the growing trend of reaction videos.

The best ones don’t just film themselves watching or listening; they add something of themselves to their reactions, making them particularly engaging.

The key to such content is adding your own experiences, which helps your audience view things from a different perspective.

This unique blend of curation and personal insights can make your content genuinely stand out.

Breaking Free From Repetition

Another crucial aspect to consider is the originality of your content.

Repetitive, overdone topics, whether AI-driven or not, rarely capture attention.

Finding fresh, untapped topics for your blog posts requires a strategic approach and a keen eye for emerging trends, audience interests, and industry developments.

Here are a few methods to source such topics:

  • Keyword Research: Utilize tools like Google Keyword Planner, Semrush, or Ahrefs to identify what your target audience is searching for online. These tools can reveal lesser-known or emerging search queries that may represent untapped topics.

  • Industry News and Events: Stay updated with the latest happenings in your industry. Newly released studies, innovative technologies, or emerging trends could all provide fertile ground for unique blog posts.

  • Forums and Q&A Websites: Platforms like Reddit, Quora, or industry-specific forums can be a goldmine for content ideas. Look for frequently asked questions or popular topics of discussion within your niche.

  • Feedback from Your Audience: Directly engaging with your audience — through surveys, comment sections, or email correspondence — can provide insights into what they want to know more about.

  • Competitor Analysis: While the goal is to find unique topics, analyzing your competitors can help identify gaps in their content that you can fill. Is there an issue they’ve overlooked? A question they haven’t answered fully? These could be opportunities for you to provide fresh perspectives.

  • Trending Topics: Monitor trending topics on platforms like Google Trends or Twitter. While these subjects may be temporary, they can sometimes be tied back to your niche, providing timely and relevant content.

  • Conferences and Webinars: These events often focus on the latest developments in your industry and can help identify trending topics or emerging technologies that are worthy of a detailed blog post.

Unique, custom content has the potential to pique your audience’s interest, making them think, “This is interesting. I haven’t read about that before.”

Conclusion: Embrace the Challenge

Experiences, data, personal stories, and unique topics can significantly help your content rise above the AI-generated sea.

The path to captivating your audience isn’t straightforward, and marketing will likely become even more challenging in the years – or months – to come.

However, these hurdles can be viewed as opportunities to innovate to find new and engaging ways to connect with your audience.

It’s a challenge, but one well worth accepting.

Join a Private Mastermind for High-Level Founders

Only a few spots remain to join Eric Siu’s private mastermind event, Leveling Up Live, in LA from August 7th to the 9th.

You'll network with founders like Neil Patel, Ayman Abdullah (former AppSumo CEO), Patrick Campbell (sold ProfitWell for $200M), and more.

Plus, access exclusive an online community and event recordings.

This Website's SEO Traffic Went From 0 to 750K/mo Using 100% AI-Generated Content

In this episode of Leveling Up, Eric Siu shares his thoughts on Jake Ward's Twitter thread about leveraging AI-generated content for website traffic.

Watch to learn:

  • How to use AI-generated content to 10x your website traffic in just a few months

  • Why keyword research is crucial in reaching your target audience

  • One AI tool that can produce thousands of content pieces a day!

  • Why Eric thinks a white hat SEO strategy is still better for long-term gains

  • Will Google penalize AI Generated Content?

  • And will AI replace content writers?

Top 3 Available Marketing Jobs

  1. Senior Paid Media Manager (Single Grain). Remote | F/T | Manage and optimize ad campaigns on Google and Facebook, develop and lead strategic presentations to clients, including media strategies, QBRs, and year-in-reviews. (Full job description here.)

  2. SEO Manager (Single Grain). Remote | F/T | Perform ongoing keyword discovery, content strategy, expansion, and optimization. Audit client websites to identify optimization opportunities and prioritize work based on SEO impact. Develop and implement link-building strategies using competitors as a baseline and more. (Full job description here.)

  3. CRO Manager (Single Grain). Remote | F/T | Analyze web data to monitor website performance and identify areas of opportunity. Excute CRO activities to help achieve overall marking goals and objectives for assigned clients and more. (Full job description here.)

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Until next week,

The Leveling Up Team


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