He Made $1 Million In 20 Days

+ The Best (And Worst) Ways To Learn Copywriting

January 15th Edition

Leveling Up

Welcome back to Leveling Up!

In today’s email:

  • The quick and easy way to add 6-7 figures in new business

  • How Mark Moss made $1 million in 20 days

  • Why Elon Musk works on Sundays

    - Eric Siu

Let’s Link

Here are the top 5 most helpful links to check out today:

  1. 🕵️‍♂️ Here’s how brands are starting to mitigate AI fraud

  2. 🤑 This kid went from idea to $11M in only 18 months

  3. 📃 Google Ads audit template: a complete checklist

  4. 🔒 This is the best way to build trust with your customers

  5. 🤯 IBM deleted 80% of their marketing, and then this happened

Interview Highlights

He Made $1 Million In 20 Days

Mark Moss discusses his journey as a content creator and the success he has achieved on YouTube.

He shares his strategies for creating engaging content, including using storytelling and copywriting techniques.

Mark emphasizes the value of attention and the power of personal branding in marketing. Mark also highlights the importance of understanding the changing dynamics of the economy and adapting strategies accordingly.

In this video, you’ll discover:

  • Mark breaks down his strategy for creating engaging hooks

  • Will there be a recession in 2024?

  • How to use short-form content as a top-of-funnel strategy

  • And much more!

Deep Dive

How to Write a Case Study that Converts Prospects into Buyers

If you’re overlooking this powerful tool, you’re missing out on a goldmine of marketing potential.

Let's break down the process into actionable steps backed by industry insights and strategic thinking.

Step 1: Unlock the Value for Your Customer

The secret sauce to getting a 'yes' from a client for a case study lies in offering something valuable in return.

Consider these compelling offers:

  • Brand Exposure: More than just visibility, it’s about reaching a specific, engaged audience. Present the exact numbers of your social media followers and email list size to show potential reach.

  • Backlinks or Website Traffic: In today's digital landscape, a single backlink from a high-authority site can be worth its weight in gold. Offer this benefit transparently, highlighting the SEO and traffic boost it can bring.

  • Product Discounts or Free Updates: Especially for B2B clients, offering tangible benefits like discounts or product enhancements can be irresistible.

Step 2: The Art of Asking the Right Questions

Your case study’s effectiveness hinges on the quality of the questions you ask. Focus on extracting specific success metrics.

Frame your questions around:

  • Problem-Solving: Dive deep into the challenges your client faced and how they impacted their business.

  • Solution Discovery: Explore how they found your solution and what set it apart from the competition.

  • Result Analysis: Aim for quantifiable improvements and ROI details.

Actionable Tip: Send a pre-interview questionnaire to help clients prepare detailed responses.

Step 3: Crafting a Compelling Case Study

Now, it’s time to bring everything together into a narrative that resonates and convinces.

  1. Craft an Impactful Headline: Your title should scream benefits and results. Use specific figures to capture attention. For example, "How We Helped XYZ Corp Boost Leads by 300% with Less Ad Spend".

Here’s an example of a winning headline from our blog:

  1. Introduce Your Customer: Set the stage with a brief overview of your client’s business, target audience, and location.

  2. Highlight the Challenges: Be specific about the problems they faced and how these impacted their business goals.

  3. Detail Your Solutions: Clearly articulate how your product/service resolved their issues. This is your moment to shine - showcase the unique aspects of your offering.

  4. Showcase Results: This is the climax. Share specific metrics – increased leads, revenue growth, etc. Use graphs or charts for visual impact.

  5. Leverage Customer Quotes: Include direct quotes for authenticity. Highlight them in a way that they stand out in the narrative.

  6. Craft a Strong CTA: Your call to action should be more than just 'contact us'. It should guide the reader on what to do next and why.

Bringing It All Together

Remember, a great case study is more than a story; it's a tool for persuasion and conversion. It should be a key part of your marketing strategy.

When done right, it’s not just a testimonial but a powerful narrative that showcases your ability to solve real problems and deliver tangible results.

And if you're wondering how to integrate these insights into your overall marketing strategy, remember that Single Grain is here to help.

Our team can help you craft a marketing plan that leverages powerful tools like case studies to elevate your brand and drive growth.

Let’s make 2024 the year your case studies turn prospects into loyal customers. Reach out for a free consultation to get started.

Timely Tweets

🤑 How to add 6-7 figures in new business without cold calling or endless networking

🌐 Why Elon Musk works on Sundays

✍️ The best and worst ways to learn copywriting

Leveling Up Founders

Join My Private Founders Network And Attend Our Live Mastermind On August 5th - 7th

Past attendees include Neil Patel, Alex Hormozi, Leila Hormozi, Codie Sanchez, Sam Ovens, and more.

Hope to see you at our live event in Beverly Hills!

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To your growth
- Eric Siu

Ps: We have a ton of free content to help your business grow: