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  • How De-Influencers Are Costing Companies BILLIONS

How De-Influencers Are Costing Companies BILLIONS

The Newest Threat to Brands

Welcome to the Friday edition of Leveling Up!

Your weekly summary of the latest content by Neil Patel and Eric Siu on how to supercharge your business growth.

This week you’ll learn:

  • How de-influencers are costing companies BILLIONS

  • One single page generating $1M+ profit annually

  • The anatomy of a 1M view TikTok

  • Plus more!

🎓 De-Influencers Are Costing Companies BILLIONS

What’s it all about?

And how are these creators putting brands at risk?

Neil and Eric break it down in this 3-minute video, including:

  • What exactly is a de-influencer?

  • The crazy true story of how de-influencers sabotaged a sushi business and scared away potential customers

  • And worst of all: why it’s almost impossible to defend against

🎓 This One Single Page Is Making $1M+ in Profit Annually

We know a page driving over $1,000,000 per year in profit.

Profit. Not revenue... Profit.

As you see above, this single page ranks for about 3,355 keywords.

And to the left of that... You'll see that the traffic value of that is $459,000.

Meaning you'd have to pay Google almost half a million per month for this same traffic that it's generating for free.

As you can probably imagine...

Traffic that expensive is that expensive for one reason:

High-value visitors ready to spend lots of money.

Now out of respect for the site owner, we can't reveal the keywords...

But the newest SEO secret they're taking advantage of is injecting AI into everything: enhanced content, brand-new content, and more.

The sites that take advantage will enjoy page 1 rankings and qualified traffic that can generate over $1M per year on a single page...

While those sites that ignore AI will slowly slip down the rankings and waste countless hours trying to reclaim that missing revenue.

Don't put all that pressure on your plate...

Or on your team's plate...

Let our experts handle the heavy lifting for your site so you can rest assured that you'll rank high now and for years.

We're taking on an extra client in July.

If you're a CEO or CMO and want to see how we'd inject more traffic into your business...👇

Book a free call here

🎓 Reverse-Engineering the Viral TikTok Formula for Massive Growth

Going viral on TikTok is not an art, it’s a science.

If you know the formula that just about every viral TikTok video follows you can churn out content every week that increases your reach fast.

In this episode, Neil and Eric make it easy by explaining exactly what made their Tiktok video viral and how to leverage existing trends.

Watch to learn:

  • The anatomy of a 1M Vvew TikTok video

  • Why Neil chose not to collaborate on his viral video

  • Advice for creating viral marketing content

  • Why storytelling is essential for a viral video

  • The role of timing in driving trends.

If you want to create viral TikToks — watch this.

Final Opportunity to Join Neil and Eric’s Private Founder’s Event in LA

Are you a founder with a 7-figure business? Or a high-level CMO or CEO?

Then this is your LAST CHANCE to join our mastermind before our upcoming August event and price increase.

Past guests include: Alex Hormozi, Sam Parr, and Sam Ovens!

For entry requirements, benefits, and more — click here.

🧠 Mindset Shift: Why the Omnichannel Approach Is MANDATORY to Build a Successful Business

You cannot build a business through one channel anymore.

I don’t care if it’s Instagram, TikTok, SEO…

One channel simply does not build big businesses anymore.

All good marketing channels eventually get saturated, competitive, and expensive.

But on the flip side, if you leverage Instagram, TikTok, Facebook, SEO, and Influencers, the list goes on and on — your CPAs go down around 9 to 11%.

So an omnichannel approach really does help.

What brought life to this at first was Expedia. They did an internal test with some of their brands that were already well-known.

And even though people knew brands like Expedia when they ran ads on radio, TV, the internet, etc. — they found that the cost to acquire a customer on all the channels went down by roughly 10% which we still see holding true.

Those are Neil’s thoughts — but we want to hear from you:

How many marketing channels do you focus on?

Login or Subscribe to participate in polls.

^ We’ll post the results at the top of our Monday email!

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Until next week!
The Leveling Up Team


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