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  • CAGR Went Up 34% After Implementing This

CAGR Went Up 34% After Implementing This

Is Your Sales Team Tearing Their Hair Out Because of This?

Happy Thursday,

In 2023, lead nurturing might be the most overlooked strategy in digital marketing.

Here’s why:

Almost every company generates leads. But how many of those leads do you convert to a sale?

5-15% – if you’re lucky.

A lot of companies just try to push as many leads as possible down the pipeline.

Which is a good way to make your sales team tear their hair out.

CenterBeam, a B2B company, relies on lead-generation SEO and ads to grow. But their sales team just wasn’t able to convert those leads.

They were wasting a lot of money on non-converting leads.

So they made a unique change:

They launched a 7-point nurture campaign to warm up leads across channels that included:

  • Reaching out via voicemail as an extra touch point to reach senior-level execs

  • Sending more frequent (but still value-adding) email follow-ups

  • Training the sales team to converse without a script for more connected and personal conversations

The result of this new nurture cadence?

  • CenterBeam saw a 34% compound annual growth (CAGR) in revenue – for 5 years in a row!

  • This has translated into millions of dollars in revenue and a 12:1 ROI on B2B ad spend.

Bottom line: you might not need more leads to hit your growth targets.

We can help you engineer a perfect lead nurture workflow to close more deals. Request a chat with a strategist simply by clicking the button below.

Plus, all new clients get 1 month of free CRO!

To your growth!
The Leveling Up Team

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