How to Build a Billion-Dollar Network

With Alex Hormozi, Chris Do, Sam Ovens, and More

Happy Wednesday,

In this week’s deep dive, Eric Siu breaks down exactly how he built his network with high-quality leaders such as Alex Hormozi, Sam Ovens, and others.

👾 Deep Dive

How to Build a Billion-Dollar Network

Eric here,

I've built my network 1 person at a time over the years, and I frequently get asked how I did it—so here goes:

Start Building Your Media Moat

I started podcasting 10 years ago and only had 9 daily downloads to show for it after the first year.

But I kept going because of the relationships I was building and the wisdom I was gaining.

Podcasting is really hard to grow because discoverability sucks, but you can repurpose your content to YouTube and then cut your clips up for shorts, reels, TikToks, etc.

If you're going to build your media moat, you want to maximize every effort.

Building your own brand takes time. In fact, I've found that it typically takes about 3 years to build an audience.

If you've found a way to do it faster, congrats.

Be patient and focus on learning and relationships as you build.

Help Others Get What They Want

Focus on the needs of other people and on being helpful.

Instead of trying to be the most interesting person in the room, just be interested in what they have to say.

(That’s how we’ve helped companies like Uber and Amazon grow because we listened to their needs and created a custom plan - get yours here).

Pay close attention and connect the dots for them.

Connectors are highly underrated, and if you're able to give without any expectation, people will naturally think of you in the future.

You'll occupy headspace because of all the value that you've provided.

Join Peer Groups 

When I was 25, I called an entrepreneur just to get career advice, and he said there was one peer group that changed his life, @EntrepreneurOrg.

I joined for 7 years and then ended up joining @YPO afterward.

Peer groups bring camaraderie.

I'd go to events, and almost always, I'd ask if someone is in one of those groups. I'd say about 15-20% of the time, they are.

Almost immediately, you'll be able to shift the conversation topics, and there's a shared bond that's hard to describe.

Then Start Your Own

Once your network is strong enough, start your own peer group and throw events.

You can start small with dinners, then move to happy hours, then move to actual events.

And you don't need to come out of pocket either when you get sponsors.

My first dinner started with a half-eaten bag of chips. But we had great people, so it didn't matter.

There's a reason why I started the Leveling Up Founders Community: It's a private invite-only group of people at the top of their game in marketing, business, and media.

My goal is simply to have the highest caliber group of people that I know while helping people in the group reach their goals.

This is complementary to groups like @YPO and @EntrepreneurOrg.

It just has my little spin on it.


Everything takes time to compound: relationships, businesses, audiences, etc.

Be a person of value and stay focused over decades, and you'll be able to build that indestructible network.

When all is said and done, what you'll cherish is your relationships.

I hope you’ve found this deep dive helpful.

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