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  • Why Agencies of the Future Are Going to Be Wildly Different

Why Agencies of the Future Are Going to Be Wildly Different

How AI Is Changing Everything

👾 Leveling Up 👾

Welcome back to Leveling Up.

I’ve created a new format for you with actionable info, curated links, and other improvements. Enjoy!

Today’s newsletter is a 4-minute read.

Here’s what we’re going to cover:

  • How to leverage AI to streamline communication and enhance lead nurturing

  • Why a single employee could soon be worth millions to your agency

  • The secret to long-lasting, more profitable client relationships

  • And why a major consulting firm sees the writing on the wall with AI… do you?

BTW I’m hosting another Q&A soon in our community (join here)

-Eric Siu :)

Actionable Tip

Here's how to use AI to improve communication and make personalized email sequences that increase engagement and conversions.

  1. Analyze Interactions: Use a tool like Jasper to analyze your existing sales conversations. Uncover common objections and winning arguments.

  2. Craft Content: Based on your findings, draft 4-8 value-focused emails. Address potential concerns and provide tailored solutions to your target audience.

  3. Automate with Intent: Integrate email outreach with your marketing automation platform. Segment leads based on behavior and deliver the right content at the right time.

  4. Include a CTA: In each email sequence, include a clear call-to-action (demo, webinar, low-ticket offer) designed to move prospects further down your funnel.

Here are some of the best links I’ve found since our last email.


  • The future of SEO… “GEO” (link)

  • The difference between $1M, $100M, and $1B ad agencies (link)

🤖 AI

  • 9 free AI courses just released by Harvard and Stanford (link)

✔️ Examples

  • 24 ways to keep your emails out of the spam folder (link)

  • 20 ChatGPT prompts to maximize your productivity (link)

💫 Offers

  • Free guide today only: How PL Bompard went from 0 to 1,000 followers on X in 45 days (link)

🗞️ News

  • Why Whole Foods had to sell “Yellow Fever” (link)

Deep Dive: How AI Agents Will Change Agencies Forever

Agencies of the future are going to be wildly different.

For one, there will be agencies doing hundreds of millions in revenue with far fewer employees. Right now, a 'good' agency has a revenue per employee of $100-200k. I think this number becomes more like $1-2M+ per employee.

4X More Productivity

Recently, I remember asking one of our developers how much more productive he has become with AI. Without skipping a beat, he said '4x'.

That's kinda nuts, considering we're in the early innings of AI.

Imagine how that multiplier will look in 5 years.

Maybe 20x?

Maybe more.

So What Are “AI Agents”?

Let's use the example of an agent in the context of a marketing agency.

Assume you are a full-service marketing agency.

You help people:

- Build funnels
- Build ad campaigns
- Build backlinks
- Create blog content
- Create social content
- Write e-mails/SMS for retention
- Optimize conversion rates
- Create and optimize creatives

Now, let's say you are helping a SaaS company doing $100M ARR.

They care about booking more qualified meetings. They'll pay around $1,000 per qualified meeting that you send them.

Your AI agent can look at every single lead that enters your funnel, observe their behavior, and then send them relevant content based on their patterns.

For every 4-8 value-added e-mails that your AI agent sends, 1 will be asking them to take an action.

An 'action' could be considered:

- booking a demo
- getting on a webinar
- opting in for another resource to take them further down the funnel
- buying a low-ticket product

Your AI agent can look at ALL the sales conversations that you've had, identify the objections, and use those objections in your sales and marketing messaging.

In Short, AI Agents Are Human Agents On Steroids

Marketing agencies like this one can build customer acquisition platforms for their clients and charge on a usage-based or performance-based model.

If you drive 1,000 qualified meetings per month, that's $1M in revenue (1k * $1k per qualified meeting).

This model shifts the dynamic from a client-vendor relationship to a client-partner relationship. The agency is naturally incentivized to put all of its effort into creating the best possible marketing funnel for its clients.

It's not about 'we only do paid media' or 'we only do creative' anymore.

Results Will Be All That Matter

In this new world, agencies will experience:

- less client churn because the client needs you for ongoing maintenance
- better client relationships
- more profitability
- more time spent innovating

Winning will require constant experimentation and willingness to continually fail. It'll also require people to build up their relationship capital with the companies that can afford to pay fees for leads or customers.

This is just one example.

Imagine what will happen to all the different types of service businesses in the next decade.

McKinsey is already begging people to take 9-months severance and go away.

Yes, they're trying to protect their profitability.

But they also see where things are going.

Do you?

How I Can Help You

If you like this newsletter and want to work with me, there are a few ways we can do so:

  1. You can apply to work with my agency (link)

  2. You can join my Skool community (link)

  3. You can apply to join my mastermind (link)

Or, you can just reply to this email.

I respond to everyone who replies.

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