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1,619% More YouTube Watch Time In 1 Month (Here's How)

This Channel With 75k Subs Is Making a Comeback

Happy Saturday,

Eric Siu increased his YouTube watch time by 1,619% in a single month.

Here are his thoughts on how to win at modern-day YT:

“I had a theory that I was in some type of penalty box after talking to a few consultants, and the hypothesis was to release a few banger videos that would put us back in the good graces of the algorithm.

What used to be tens of thousands of views per video (if not hundreds of thousands) slowed to a trickle of a few hundred views per vid.

I was releasing 4-7-minute direct-to-camera videos that seemed to work well, but then it all fell apart. This is why:

1. Good content ultimately trumps everything

I released two in-person podcasts that were 2 hrs and 1 hr long, respectively.

The quality was ultra-high, and I spent time thinking through questions. Plus, it was helpful that I was friends with the guests already.

Leads to a fun, dynamic conversation.

2. Long form is a bonus

Most of my other vids had an average view duration (AVD) of 2-3 min.

These podcasts were 12-15 minutes. YT likes it when you keep them on their platform. They make more money that way. 😉 

(BTW: these tips are also working for our clients. Talk to my team here if you’d like a free sampling of the potential growth you can capture for your business).

3. A rising tide lifts all boats

If you release a few banger videos, your other videos get suggested.

That means if you had some other good videos that previously didn’t get the love that you thought they deserved, this is their chance to shine.

4. Thumb and headline testing is helpful, but it’s not everything

We use a tool called thumbnailtest, and it does a good job of testing a few variations. But ultimately, if the content rocks, it’ll get recommended.

5. The first 30 seconds is everything

One of the pods has about a 90% 30 sec retention which is significantly higher than my other channel vids.

We stitched together a few interesting moments to hook the viewer in and it worked well.

6. Creating content you love > *

My main business is an ad agency, and I have to focus on operating that.

I’m not a full-time content creator. If I’m going to spend time on something, it better be a hell yes. For me, doing interviews (especially live) is incredibly fun because I like learning from people that I like.

My team tells me the energy is next level versus the other forms of content that I do. What is that for you?

For me, it doesn’t feel organic to do direct to camera and it disrupts the flow of my day. Most importantly, I don’t enjoy it as much as conversations.

7. The bar is constantly getting higher

People are playing the game of YT better which means people have higher standards now. I used to be able to wing it with a 5-7 video.

That’s a good thing and it forces people to keep raising the content quality.

At the end of the day, the viewer has to be happy.”

What do you think? Did Eric miss anything?

Let us know with a quick reply.

Have a great weekend,
The Leveling Up Team

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